Monday, 31 May 2010

Jane's last blog

All home now, weary and jet lagged. My own personal QI award 2010 goes to Viv Martin who fell over in the street and badly scratched and bruised herself on our first day in Chicago, which badly shook her up. Nonetheless Viv managed to take part in two conference panels with great aplomb. The long journey home took its toll on Viv, so she deserves an award - and a bit of a rest for a few days

The 'Bristol panel' proved a mix up in the end in that the venue had been changed and so we had a smaller audience than anticipated as many people were wandering around campus looking for us  - I'm grateful that they even thought of trying in such searing heat.
We've used a 'Bristol plenary' format to try and showcase the work of central and announce ourselves over the last few years, but  I think we"ve done that now out grown the space - and can move on to other things - everybody knows there's a Bristol presence at Q.I. so I think this was probably the last year of the Bristol panel. This year the panel attempted to present the work of about 30 people in all, but in a way each group participating probably deserved its own time slot.

It worked quite well nonetheless, and was on the whole well received - the women and love work was lovely and thoughtful  and the 'taking three words to twitter'  piece worked well (although our timing could have been snappier and it is still perhaps a little too long), the last part of the panel, a venture into magical realism, with at least two of the writers writing from beyond the grave, was both engaging and funny, but the Bristol collaborative writer's group piece didn't really work as a performance piece. It might or might not be something that group wants to write up into a paper, but as a performance piece it didn't work. I found it boring and I was part of it.. good to know!!

For forward thinking people: next year's congress is May 17-23 and the deadline for submitting your dissertation for one of the QI awards is January 15th 2011. For myself, I think I need to get back into this time zone for a bit. Hope you enjoyed our blog. The highlight of the blog for me this year was Ann's artwork which I have really enjoyed.  The highlight of the conference will be harder to decide, much food for thought. I'll end with a collage of scenes from cafes and cookouts - all taken on Cindy's iphone. This is Jane signing out til next year!

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