Thursday, 19 May 2011

Moving to Urbana soon...(with apologies to Frank Zappa)

Well it says 19th, but i wrote this yesterday and forgot to post it!

Well....that worked really well - I'm still the only person writing this blog, so something's going wrong with communications here! To be fair Jonathan tried valiantly to blog from Chicago yesterday (where Artemi, McLain, Ken, Jon, Tami and Elyse were all going on architecture tours)...but the blog wouldn't let him in...we'll have to sort that later.

I've changed font, what do you think? 

Anyway, in the meantime, I've flown down to Urbana Champaign and slept really well for the first time (although I've woken up really early again because my predecessor in this room in Gloria's bed and breakfast- currently my favourite person in the world -  had set the radio alarm for 5.30 in the morning.)

Today is "psycho day" and I'm a bit nervous about giving my keynote, although looking forward to the rest of the day on qualitative psychological inquiry... I'll let you know how it all goes! if you want to have a look at what is going on at the congress and/or what we are all doing you can go to the congress website and look us up in the programme or the book of abstracts by surname. 
we are contributing a lot, as ever: 

Bristol Group QI timetable

Jane Wednesday psychology day
314B Union Keynote speaker: Jane Speedy, University of Bristol, UK:
title:Magical realist pathways into and under the psychotherapeutic imaginary

Jon and Ken thursday workshops
Morning, 8:30–11:30 Between the two: Using Deleuzian thought in Collaborative Writing: Ken
Gale & Jonathan Wyatt

Friday Programme

McClain: Arts-Based Inquiry and Education I - 9:30-10:50 164 Noyes
Chair: Christopher Michael Hansen, University of Georgia
Shoes: Seeing the Unseeable through the Familiar, McClain Percy,
University of Bristol

Artemi The Dialogic 1062  11:00-12:20 163 Noyes
Dialogic Inquiry: an Alternative to traditional Academic Writing Forms,
Artemi Ioanna Sakellariadis, Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (Ist speaker)

 McLain Arts-Based Inquiry and Education II 1063 11:00-12:20 164 Noyes
Re/Claimed Book: Seeing Learning Disability, McClain Percy, University
of Bristol  (last speaker)

Donna Discourse/Narrative/Counter-Narrative 1067 1:00-2:20 209 Union
Deaf-hearing family life: narrative and counter-narrative, Donna West,
University of Bristol

J, K et al Spotlight: Darkness and silence: the dis/connection of
writing intimacy 1091  2:30-3:50 209 Union
Chair: Jonathan Wyatt, University of Oxford, Presenter, Ken Gale, University of Plymouth
Presenter, Ron Pelias, Southern Illinois University, Presenter, Larry Russell, Hofstra University
Presenter, Tami Spry, St Cloud State, Presenter, Jonathan Wyatt, University of Oxford

Jane and Tami Making Trouble: Heros, Villians, Victims, and other
Fixated Persona in Autoethnography 1115 4:00-5:20 210 Union
Chair: Tami Spry, St Cloud State
Desperately seeking lines of flight: some small fragmented stories about
my failure to shape up as a a psychotherapy researcher and auto-
ethnographer., jane speedy, university of bristol
Power trouble: Playing Devil’s Advocate in the “Come to Jesus”
Discourse of Doing Autoethnography, Christopher Collins, Angelo State
University, and Tami Spry, St Cloud State

Saturday Programme

Jon and ken Spotlight: On (Writing) Fathers: Part II 2001
8:00-9:20 209 Union
Chair: Tony Adams, Northeastern Illinois University and Jonathan
Wyatt, University of Oxford
Knowing Me, Knowing You: Becoming Father, Becoming Son in the
Fluid Play of Memory, Affect and Intuition, Ken Gale, University of

Jon and Jane Knowledge as cure? Research and/as therapy  9:30-10:50 406 Union
Chair: Carolyn Ellis, University of South Florida
telling, Sophie Elizabeth Tamas, Queen’s University, and Jonathan
Wyatt, University of Oxford
Feeling, Writing, thinking, Liz Bondi, University of Edinburgh
the Client, the Psychotherapist, and the Auto-ethnographer: three
Faces of Jane, Jane Speedy, University of Bristol 

Sue Bodies II 2050 11:00-12:20 405 Union
Listening to the Material: Writing to Objects as a Method of Inquiry,
Sue Porter, University of Bristol

Jon and Tami Spotlight: Critical Beginnings: Reflections and
Refractions Through Seven Years of QI 2105
2:30-3:50 Engineering 106B3
Chair: Jonathan Wyatt, University of Oxford
through seven years of QI: A tale of resisting stories and disembodied
knowledge construction, Claudio Moreira, University of Massachusetts
Love Song for norman Denzin, Tami Spry, St Cloud State
Lost at QI, May 2005. Please return., Jonathan Wyatt, University of

Sue, Jane, Ken, Artemi, McClain Patti Plenary: Getting Lost, Getting Messy and all that Jazz:
Riffing Off and Critically Engaging with Patti Lather’s
Book “Getting Lost”. 2091 2:30-3:50 314B Union
Chair: Sue Porter, Bristol University
Discussant, Patricia Lather, Ohio State University

Bronwyn, Jane, Sue and Artemi Pierre Rivière’s memoirs revisited in Michel Foucault’s
memory...2114        4:00-5:20 405 Union

the ethic of truths: Badiou and Pierre Rivière, Bronwyn Davies,
‘two victoires in conversation’: A fictionalised memoir of the two
women murdered by Pierre Rivière., Jane Speedy, Neel bridges and and Donna Kemp
A wider sense of normal? Seeking to understand Pierre Rivière through
the lens of autism., Artemi Ioanna Sakellariadis
Straining the conventional seams: doll making as a methodology for
exploring the unspeakable -- responses to the Pierre Rivière texts, Sue
Porter and Ann Rippin

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